Tips For Using an A3 Laser Printer at Home

13 09 2010


When you buy a machine for home use, you don’t just whip it out and use it immediately. In order to achieve the optimum performance of these machines, there are things you need to mull over first. Also, when you start using them, you just don’t go at it non-stop like there’s no tomorrow. This article aims to educate people regarding tips on how to prolong the use of an A3 laser printer at home.

Location, Location, Location
Just like real estate, it’s always location, location, location. Since these machines are rather bulky, you need to allot a space within the house that will be convenient for your A3 laser printer. It should be in a place that will not inconvenience anyone in a sense that no one will trip because of its tray or no one will bump to accidentally because it is producing. You also need to consider the atmosphere of where you’re placing this machine. As a laser printer, it tends to heat up when being used so it is important to keep them at room temperature by providing air-conditioning or proper ventilation. Read the rest of this entry »

The A3 Laser Printer for Schools

13 09 2010


One of the establishments that benefits from the A3 laser printer are schools. A3 laser printers are innovative machines that can make any printing job a piece of cake. They can print fast, they are accurate and they can print out a large amount of documents in no time.

Schools are in need of this printing machine. They need it to print out all the test papers, reports and files on time. Schools usually have a lot of paperwork and so they need a printing machine that will meet this demand. Unlike small office and homes, schools do not need to worry about the large space that this printer will need because schools are usually spacious.

A3 laser printers are built bulky and large. But schools can dedicate a room for this printer as they always have a specific area where all the printing is done. Anyhow, the size of the printer does not propose a problem to the schools. They are after the printing capabilities of the machine. An A3 printer can print in A3 papers. Schools need this to print their yearbooks, memos, school publications, etc. Read the rest of this entry »

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13 09 2010

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