Tips For Using an A3 Laser Printer at Home

13 09 2010


When you buy a machine for home use, you don’t just whip it out and use it immediately. In order to achieve the optimum performance of these machines, there are things you need to mull over first. Also, when you start using them, you just don’t go at it non-stop like there’s no tomorrow. This article aims to educate people regarding tips on how to prolong the use of an A3 laser printer at home.

Location, Location, Location
Just like real estate, it’s always location, location, location. Since these machines are rather bulky, you need to allot a space within the house that will be convenient for your A3 laser printer. It should be in a place that will not inconvenience anyone in a sense that no one will trip because of its tray or no one will bump to accidentally because it is producing. You also need to consider the atmosphere of where you’re placing this machine. As a laser printer, it tends to heat up when being used so it is important to keep them at room temperature by providing air-conditioning or proper ventilation.

Let Them Rest
All machines need to rest in order to cool some of its parts. You can’t just go at it for hours of printing without letting it rest. Aside from heating up the surrounding atmosphere, some parts of the printer may be subjected to intense heat because of the heating element inside. It is a good idea to give them a few minutes rest just for the temperature inside to settle. Besides, a few minutes of rest is worth it compared to the whole machine breaking down in the middle of the job.

Keep Them Clean
This is generally a basic tip for all machines for a lot of purposes. First, by keeping them clean, you can ensure that your prints are of the best quality. Occasionally wiping of the accumulated dust, especially the ones inside, may improve the overall performance of the printer. It also prevents static from entering which can adversely affect your printing. Prints may come out lighter or with vertical lines if this were the case. You also get to save money if you keep these printers clean. For one reason, you don’t have to do a reprint should there be anything wrong with the previous output. Plus, a clean machine requires lesser energy to run. In other words, you can save money from the papers and electricity.

Turn Them Off
You need to turn these devices off when you’re not using them. Modern printers may already have sleep modes but these still require electricity. Using sleep modes are only advisable for times when you’re resting in between printing jobs, not sleeping in for the night. Besides, modern laser printers only require a few seconds before they can print a page. You don’t have to wait that long in order for these machines to warm up for use.

Aside from these 3 mentioned, there are still a lot of ways in order to achieve optimal performance for your machines. However, some may require different strategies depending on their technology. Nevertheless, the ones mentioned above are applicable to most, if not all laser printers.

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